FAQ #1: What is the difference between a Primary Source Verification vs a License Verification?

Response: Primary Source Verification provides minimal information such as; license number, licensee name, status, and specialty. This verification is free of charge. License Verification provides extended information regarding a licensee such as; license number, licensee name, statues, effective date, expiration date, specialty, and disciplinary information (if any). There is a $25 fee charged for this verification.


FAQ#2: How do I obtain a license verification from the Guam Board of Medical Examiners?

Response: Active primary source verification may be found by visiting: www.guamhplo.org/gbme and clicking the “Providers” tab. You may search a licensee status by FIRST &/or LAST NAME. (If you are unable to locate a licensee, please contact the Health Professional Licensing Office via email: [email protected] with the subject line: Primary Source Verification: Licensee Name)

For license verifications, please refer to the steps below & required documents;
Required Documents:

  1. An updated Authorization to release information signed by the licensee.
  2. A completed “Record of Payment” form. (GBME-7) – 
  3. $25 license verification fee may be paid online at https://guamhplo.org/gbme/pay or mailed to our office located at; 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue, Suite 213A. Terlaje Professional Building, Hagatna, Guam 96910."

Please note the following:

**If paying by check or money order, ensure it is made payable to “TREASURER OF GUAM”. **

**Please include in the request, an address or email to where the verification will be sent. Verification requests with no address/email, will be sent to the last known address of the licensee on file.**

Incomplete requests will not be processed.


FAQ #3: How can I get an application?

Response: You can download the PDF fillable application from our “Forms” tab - https://guamhplo.org/gbme/forms.


FAQ #4: When can I get a status update on my application?

Response: Once the initial application review is completed, the Board will notify you of any deficiencies. If there are no deficiencies, your application will move forward for licensure and you will be notified when your license is issued.


FAQ #5: How should I pay the application, license, renewal, or other fee?

Response: Payment can be made online - https://guamhplo.org/gbme/pay.