About GBBC

                                                     GUAM BOARD OF BARBERING AND COSMETOLOGY

            Cosmetology, also known as beauty culture, means the art and science of beauty care of the skin, hair, scalp, and nails, and includes any one or a combination of the licensure categories if they are performed on a person’s head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, hands, bust, upper part of the body, legs, or feet for cosmetic purposes. 10 GCA § 18101(q).

            The Board of Cosmetology licenses barbers; cosmetologists; estheticians; manicurists; salons and establishments; and schools.

            The Board consists of five members, appointed by I Maga’Låhen Guåhan (the Governor), who must be citizens of the United States of America or a permanent resident of Guam for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment; resident of Guam; and not be connected directly or indirectly, in the wholesale business of the manufacture, rental, sale, or distribution of barber, cosmetology or electrolysis appliances or supplies. At least two members must be currently licensed cosmetologists in good standing, and currently engaged in, and have at least five years practical experience. At least two members must be licensed in good standing, and currently engaged in, and have at least five years of practical experience in the specialty areas licensed by the Board. One member shall not be, nor ever have been licensed by the Board of Cosmetology. No member of the Board shall be affiliated with any school teaching cosmetology, skin care (esthetics), electrology or nail care (manicurist). 10 GCA § 18102(b).

            In addition to licensing barbers, cosmetologists, estheticians, manicurists, establishments, and schools of cosmetology and barbering, the Board is authorized to investigate alleged violations of the Barbering and Cosmetology Act of 2000, as amended, and consumer complaints involving the practice of cosmetology, barbering, esthetics, or manicuring, schools offering training in these areas, and salons/shops and booth renters offering these services.

10 GCA § 18105.


Board Members

Ashley Taitano-Sablan
[email protected]

Marcy Tiong
Vice Chairperson
[email protected]

Joseph Blas
[email protected]

Raymond Santos
[email protected]

Renewal of Licenses

Cosmetologist/Barber/Manicurist/Esthetician/Instructor licenses expire on the licensee's birthday every two (2) years.
Establishment Licenses expire on the 31st of December and must be renewed annually.
Licenses can be renewed a month before the expiration date.


Regular Scheduled Board Meetings

Regular scheduled board meetings are held every first (1st) Monday of every month at 9:00 a.m. at the Health Professional Licensing Office Conference Room located at 194 Hernan Cortez Ave, Terlaje Professional Building Suite 209, Hagatna, Guam

If you would like to address the Board with any questions or concerns regarding the licensure process, examinations, or laws/rules and regulations, please email the Board Contact listed below


Board Contact Information

Sharon Manibusan
Board Office Secretary
[email protected]

GBBC Services
  1. GBBC issues licenses and renews licenses to all qualifying applicants
  2. Deny license to unqualified applicants
  3. Establish fees for insurance of licenses, examinations, inspections through the Administrative Adjudication Law process
  4. Investigate alleged violations, consumer complaints involving the practice of cosmetology, barbering, esthetics or manicuring, schools offering training in these areas and salons/shops and booth renters offering these services;
  5. Employ any person(s) for the purpose of investigating any violation or suspected violation of this Chapter;
  6. Issue subpoenas, statements of charges, statements of intent, final orders, stipulated agreements and any other legal remedies necessary to enforce this Chapter;
  7. Issue cease and desist letters, and letters of warning for infractions of this Chapter;
  8. Conduct all disciplinary proceedings, impose sanctions, and assess fines for violations of this Chapter, or any rules adopted under it;
  9. Prepare and administer, or approve, the preparation and administration of licensing examinations;
  10. Establish minimum safety and sanitation standards for schools, cosmetologists, barbers, manicurists, estheticians and salons/shops; 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  11. Establish requirements for the training of students, schools and establishments;
  12. Establish by rule the procedures for re-examination;
  13. Accept in payment of any fee required by this Chapter, cash or any customary or generally accepted equivalent medium of exchange, including check, cashier's check, certified check or money order; provided, that no fee shall be deemed paid, unless cash has been received or the other medium of exchange converted to cash; and 9
  14. Administer exams for licensure for the following: 10
    (A) barber; 11
    (B) cosmetologist instructor; 12
    (C) cosmetologist; 13
    (D) electrologist; 14
    (E) esthetician; and 15
    (F) manicurist