“The Practice of Professional Nursing means the performance for compensation of any act in helping people cope with difficulties in daily living which are associated with their actual or potential health problems or illness problems, or the treatment thereof, which require a substantial amount of scientific knowledge in the biological, physical and social sciences and technical skills, and includes all of the following:
(A) direct and indirect patient care services that ensure the safety, comfort, personal hygiene and protection of patients, and the performance of disease prevention and restorative measures;
(B) direct and indirect patient care services including, but not limited to, the administration of medications and therapeutic agents necessary to implement a treatment, disease prevention or rehabilitative regime prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist;
(C) the performance, according to standardized procedures, of basic health care, testing and preventative procedures, including, but not limited to, skin tests, immunization techniques and the withdrawal of human blood from veins and arteries; or
(D) observation of signs and symptoms of illness, reactions to treatment, general behavior or general physical conditions; and:
(i) determination of whether such signs, symptoms, reactions, behavior or general appearance exhibit abnormal characteristics; and
(ii) implementation, based on observed abnormalities, appropriate reporting, referral, standardized procedures, changes in treatment regime in accordance with standardized procedures or the initiation of emergency procedures. Standardized procedures as used in this Section means policies and protocols developed through collaboration among administrators, physicians, nurses and other health professionals of an organized health care system.
(2) Practice of Practical Nursing means the performance for compensation of technical services requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological, and sociological sciences of nursing procedures.” 10 GCA § 12101(f).
In addition to licensing registered nurses, advanced nurse practitioners, licensed practical nurses, and certified nurse assistants, the Guam Board of Nurse Examiners is authorized to:
- Prescribe standards for and periodically evaluate basic nursing education programs for entry into practice and approve such programs that meet the requirements of the Nurse Practice Act and the Board’s rules and regulations;
- Deny or withdraw approval of basic nursing education programs for entry into practice that do not meet the prescribed standards;
- Serve as an evaluating and approving (or disapproving) body for nursing education programs located in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or any jurisdiction arising from the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, upon request of the appropriate governing body; provided, that all expenses of the evaluation and approval or disapproval, shall be paid by the requesting jurisdiction;
- Administer the National State Board Test Pool Examination; and
- Prescribe the manner in which specialists and other nurses who desire to restrict their practice to a particular area of nursing announce their practices to the public and shall issue certificates identifying the nurse and his specialty.
10 GCA § 12307.
Board Members
Gregory K. Woodard, APRN-NPC, AOCNP
Chairperson (APRN Member)
Annamma Varghese, DNP, CMSRN
Vice Chairperson (Education Member)
Phillip John Calalo, DNP, RN
Treasurer (Hospital Member)
Brenda Manzana
Secretary (LPN Member)
Gia Ramos, RN
(RN Member)
Margarita Gay
(Community Health Member)
Charlotte Huntsman
(Public Member)
Only written complaints will be presented to the Board and accepted for the following violations:
- Drug or alcohol abuse which affects nursing practice
- Sexual misconduct
- Abuse-verbal
- Physical, mental
- Negligent or incompetent care
- Theft of property
- Misrepresentation
- Abandonment
- Unprofessional conduct as defined by law
The person filing the complaint must include the following information:
- Name of Nurse or Certified Nurse Assistant
- What he/she did
- With whom it happened
- Date, time, and place it happened
- Names of witnesses
- Name, address, and phone number of person filing the complaint-for Board contact and verification.
If the licensee or certificate holder contests the charges, he/she is entitled to a formal hearing. During this hearing, both sides may present evidence and witnesses. Nurses and certified Nurse Assistants may represent themselves or have a lawyer represent them. The actions the Nursing Board may include: issuing a public reprimand, imposing a fine, ordering probation, restricting the license or certification, suspending the license or certification, revoking the license or certification, or dismissing the complaint. Never hesitate to report an incompetent or unsafe nurse. You are entitled to safe nursing care. If you report in good faith, you are immune from civil liability. By participating in this fair process, you help your nursing board protect you, your loved ones, and the public.
Online License Verification – National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)
Employers/public can look up a license or nurses can verify a license for endorsement into a state by using the National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s secure, online verification system, Nursys® at
Employers/Public (No charge)
If your organization needs to look up a nurse license and/or check a nurse’s discipline status for employment decisions then go to Employers and the general public can look up a license and receive a detailed report within minutes, free of charge. The nurse must be from a Licensure
QuickConfirm board of nursing. Please visit for more details.
Nurses (Official license verification for a fee)
Nurses who are applying for endorsement into another state can request verification of licensure from a Nursys licensure participating board. A list of licensure participating nursing boards can be found at Verifications are processed by completing the online verification process. The fee for this service is $30.00 per license type for each state board of nursing where the nurse is applying. Nursys license verification is sent to the endorsing board immediately. Please visit for more details.
- 25 GAR Ch 6 – GBNE
- P.L. 34-78 (2/9/2018)