03/26/2025 07:29:43 AM

Guam Board of Barbering and Cosmetology


The Guam Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (GBBC) is responsible for the licensing and testing of cosmetology personnel to the National-Interstate Council (NIC) of State Boards of Cosmetology standards, as well as the licensing and regulation of cosmetology related salons/facilities per the Guam Barbering and Cosmetology Act.


Notice of Regular Session Meeting:

Guam Board of Barbering & Cosmetology Regular Session Meeting, every first Monday of the Month at 9:00 AM at the Terlaje Professional Building, 194 Hernan Cortez Avenue, 2nd Floor, Suite 209, Health Professional Licensing Office Board Conference Room, Hagatna, Guam.


Licensure Renewal Application:

Ensure the entire application is complete, INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. License will be available for pick up Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Complete the entire application and attached expiring or expired license. For local payments – ALL FEES must be paid at any Treasurer of Guam at the International Trade Center (ITC Building) located in Tamuning 1st floor.  For Off Island Licenses (DO NOT SEND CASH) Please submit a check or money order payable to “TREASURER OF GUAM”

Submit Two 2 ½ x 2 ½ size picture taken within 60 days, white background only. Please print your name, sign and date the back of the photos.

Continuing education Report must be fully completed and signed. Certificate of completion must be attached with CE Report.


03/26/2025 07:29:43 AM